Organized and Energized! The Podcast

How to use your cycle to make your business more productive with Stasha Washburn

Kathi Burns Episode 78

Stasha is The Period Coach, the bloody kind not the grammar kind. Founder of Period Coaching School, author of The Revolution Will Be Bloody, inventor of the world's first Period Oracle Card Deck, Stasha is also a dancer, cook, sword fighter, tai chi practicing, speaker, skateboarder, INTJ, Generator, outdoors loving, world traveler. She’ll go anywhere as long as there’s a tea kettle and WiFi.

A Certified Holistic Health Coach, and 25+ years of research have fueled her passion to reconnect women to the power in their period. Stasha is leading the bloody revolution to end the taboo of menstruation world wide. No longer whispers in bathrooms, she’s leading powerful public discussions.

Full show notes here: